Tarot cards

I used to own many many decks of tarot cards.. after the first fire I grabbed my tarot bag and also my fav deck off my desk. The Dragon Tarot. They are smoke covered and smelling but they survived other then the top card had smoke damage ‎and in truth I won’t be able to use them but I did have the foresight to grab my tarot bag which had two decks in it that are not damaged. So I have some cards as well as I keep the tiny tarot in my purse. I will be buying a new deck soon once things get settled but I do miss my collection of decks. I had autographed decks. Discontinued decks, novelty decks you name it I had them as I loved collecting them. The different energies off them and in truth I really only read with two decks and the rest were for my enjoyment. Thoth deck gone.. dali deck gone.. deviant deck gone.. how sad hut we are all alive so that is a glad tiding.. the years I collected decks I will now start fresh hoping that maybe I can recover some at some point
. But this is part of the journey to a fresh start.. realising what is gone..