Arriana’s Daily Tarot ! Monday November 20th !!!

Welcome to A’s Daily Tarot!

Three of Swords
Today we see heartache, it is a day of miscommunications which lead to upsets. The suit of swords puts a focus on communications as it is the air element, be certain that what you are saying is what you truly want, not just what you feel others want to hear. Upsets can easily occur today as you realize you are not being true to yourself, follow your heart, and refuse to settle for less than you deserve. It can be an upsetting day as your true desires are not being fulfilled, this is a day of facing the truths within you, life is too short not to be happy.
Often changes though upsetting do lead you where you need to be in life. What we want and what we need are not always the same things, be true to what you need in your life. Blessings Arriana

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