Arriana’s Daily Tarot ! Sunday January 18th !

Welcome to A’s Daily Tarot !

The Fool card

The Fool card starts the Tarot and shows that there is a new day, a new path and a blank canvas in front of us to be
able to make changes and/or fresh starts in our lives. Today is the day to consider life and ask if you want things as
they are and if not start seeing what steps you can take to change life around you. Often we fear changes and that is
not in our best interests as if we are not happy with a situation then change is needed.
Use today to start a plan for the future and remember it can be written in pencil so you can adjust things and in truth
it can also be just the first few changes needed with the rest of the plans to be filled in later.
Just make sure that life brings you more smiles then frowns as that is the key to happiness, not stuff just emotion and
sincerity as that is what in the end brings us joy. Blessings Arriana
Read about the fire that destroyed our home ! and Tarot decks !

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